Monthly Archives: September, 2021

Better Than You

Better than You

Brian Posehn’s “More Metal Than You” shows us the idiocy of thinking our situation/beliefs are better than others…

Steel Panther wants to let you know that all other music sucks, it’s metal or nothing according to their song “Death To All But Metal”...

Dan the Man hasn’t seen the movie, “Heathers” starring Christian Slater and only watched “Pump Up the Volume” years after its initial release. MattyV saw it in theaters and immediately bought the soundtrack (which he still listens to on occasion). He went so far as to track down a few of the songs from the movie that were not included for whatever reason including “Wienerschnitzel” by The Descendants off their FAT E.P. Mind you this was before the internet and Spotify…

Here’s the “Your Jumpin’ Heart” mashup featuring Van Halen’s Jump coupled with the steel guitar melody from “Your Cheatin’ Heart” performed by Hank Williams.

Marvel & Disney are getting woker by the minute. Marvel’s new president is considering dropping the Men from X-Men because the name isn’t inclusive. WTF…

Axis of Awesome shows how just about all pop songs contain the same 4 chords

Dan the Man headed to Alice Cooper, MattyV remembered this bit from Jim Breuer about being in his mid-40’s going to see a heavy metal show…

Sunday Cinema – “Subway Training”

There’s a glut of jobs out there waiting to be filled all across the country. We thought that this month’s “Sunday Cinema” theme should revolve around work training videos. Not just any videos, but the more bizarre training videos we could find!

This one is a good one, it shows a time when the “sandwich artist” used to cut a wedge out of the bread instead of slicing it in half…

Sunday Cinema – Game Crazy

There’s a glut of jobs out there waiting to be filled all across the country. We thought that this month’s “Sunday Cinema” theme should revolve around work training videos. Not just any videos, but the more bizarre training videos we could find!

Game Crazy used to be a video game store that often shared space with it’s parent company Movie Gallery (a video rental store). Sadly, when Movie Gallery filed for bankruptcy so did Game Crazy. Think GameStop and that’s almost exactly what the concept was…

Sunday Cinema – “Concessions Attendant”

There’s a glut of jobs out there waiting to be filled all across the country. We thought that this month’s “Sunday Cinema” theme should revolve around work training videos. Not just any videos, but the more bizarre training videos we could find!

Nostalgia for one of the boys who worked for several movie theaters. As cheesy as the videos he had to watch, enjoy this one!

Trouble in the Workplace

(Photo Courtesy

Trouble in the Workplace

This week the boys talked about work stories, here are some workplace stories that are too real:

Horrible Tales from a Chinese Restaurant

Stories from Rent-to-Own

Acts of Gord – A video game store owner

Tae, The Paramedic from Hell (collected stories from the old Usenet group alt.tasteless)

A work screw-up thread

R*tarded customer questions pt #1

R*tarded customer questions pt #2

Sunday Cinema – “Grill Skills”

There’s a glut of jobs out there waiting to be filled all across the country. We thought that this month’s “Sunday Cinema” theme should revolve around work training videos. Not just any videos, but the more bizarre training videos we could find!

It takes a master to work a Wendy’s grill. This 15min training video will have you flipping burgers like a pro! You’ll be stacking burgers to make even Dave Thomas (RIP) proud!