Monthly Archives: November, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

When you’re in a coma from all the good food & tired of football, join MattyV & Dan the Man as they watch the perennial classic “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”. All you need to do is download the commentary and watch the video below!

To make it a “true” viewing, might I suggest having a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast like Matty & Dan did:

– Ice Cream Sundaes (don’t forget the cherries!)

– Mini Pretzel Sticks (plain, no Honey Dijon!)

– Freshly-popped popcorn

– Jelly beans (Matty got Jelly Belly Flops from the local dollar store)

– And of course the only thing that Charlie Brown is allowed to make, buttered toast!


Do your Black Friday shopping at our store! Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving from all of us at Junkiosity – The Pod!


Download the commentary here (once you get there, right-click to download file)…


Beep Friday

Beep Friday


Hey Junkies!

There are more ways to listen to us online! You can check out our TuneIn Radio broadcast link HERE or search for “Junkiosity” on the TuneIn Radio app for iOS & Android! We’re also on Stitcher Radio! Become a follower of both TuneIn & Stitcher to help us build our audience there so eventually we can get sponsors and bring you a bigger and better pod each week!

We’ve got sponsors! Check out Audible for a free trial membership which includes a free book download! They have thousands of titles from self-help to current best sellers! If you’re not into reading, how about getting healthy? Nature Box will jam your mailbox monthly with all sorts of wholesome and healthy treats & snacks! For only $20 a month you can get a ton of great-tasting food right to your door. Check out the link for a special deal!


This week we talked about the concept of “Black Friday” in the sense of shopping (as we found out that there are several meaning to the term “Black Friday”).

We also spoke of the two women camping out at Best Buy 3 weeks before to get a $200 television (for the record, it is a 50″ HDTV)…

Matty recommends checking out for all the latest when it comes to “Black Friday”, bookmark the site since they tend to get copies of the retailer ads weeks in advance of the largest shopping day of the year!

“Cyber Monday” was also discussed, the little sister to “Black Friday” which according to Wikipedia is only 9 years old

Then there is this article that talks about “Black Friday” not happening on the day after Thanksgiving anymore (which is true)…

On the other side of things, the price of holiday hams are going up because… Pigs are too fat! Yep, it’s true!

Back in the early 1980’s, Sir Bob Geldof brought a bunch of famous musicians & singers together to record a song with the proceeds going to help the hungry in Africa. 30 years later, he did it again with more current artists & raised over $1 million in 5 minutes!

There is another “black” controversy unfurling in the Netherlands, that is protestors against the sidekick to Saint Nicholas, “Black Pete”, as he is considered to be racist & demoralizing.

And yes, Winnie the Pooh has been banned in a Polish town for being a hermaphrodite

Dan the Man’s favorite movie celebrates 20 years and even though it was snubbed at the box office & the Oscars it has been called “a movie everyone can love…”

Dan also revealed that Stephen King’s epic novel, “The Stand“, is getting a big screen treatment now going to garner 4 separate movies instead of 2 as relayed by this article



Be sure to check out our Facebook page!


We’re still needing money to upgrade our pod! If you’re not into audiobooks or healthy snacks, a straight-up donation would do just nicely!


Until next week!


Friday Fun Poll – November 21, 2014

Burrito Bros

Burrito Bros


Hey Junkies!

There are more ways to listen to us online! You can check out our TuneIn Radio broadcast link HERE or search for “Junkiosity” on the TuneIn Radio app for iOS & Android! We’re also on Stitcher Radio! Become a follower of both TuneIn & Stitcher to help us build our audience there so eventually we can get sponsors and bring you a bigger and better pod each week!

We’ve got sponsors! Check out Audible for a free trial membership which includes a free book download! They have thousands of titles from self-help to current best sellers! If you’re not into reading, how about getting healthy? Nature Box will jam your mailbox monthly with all sorts of wholesome and healthy treats & snacks! For only $20 a month you can get a ton of great-tasting food right to your door. Check out the link for a special deal!


A quick podcast because Dan the Man & MattyV had just finished a special surprise for our listeners to be revealed on November 26th! We missed Jen the Intern again, we love you Jen! Hopefully she will be back in the full swing of pods soon!


Dan the Man rants on about the whole Honey Boo Boo debacle and the latest is now is revealing that one of her daughters was fathered by the convicted child molester…

Then we move onto another molester, the billionaire ex-wife & former cheerleader who had sex with a 15 year old friend of her son!

Don’t think about visiting Puxton Park in the UK without a child, no adults will be allowed in alone for fear of pedophiles…

Dan & I talk about the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and how the value of Berlin Wall memorabilia has declined over the last 2 decades… For those that may not fully understand the importance of this event, check out “Top Secret!” to see what it was like to live “behind the wall” (the movie is a parody but will give you an idea)…

Here’s Hasselhoff’s version of “Hooked on a Feeling” for you to enjoy! (you can direct all your hate towards Dan the Man!)

A trailer for the movie, “Gotcha!” with Anthony Edwards and boy he could rock a hairstyle!

Forget the Cronut, here’s the Croritto! MattyV would actually eat this monstrosity…

Dinosaur Dracula’s Ancient Holiday Recipes article

Cockeyed’s Downton Abbey costume

I-Mockery’s Knock-Off Freddy Kreuger Doll

The YouTube channel


Be sure to check out our Facebook page!


We’re still needing money to upgrade our pod! If you’re not into audiobooks or healthy snacks, a straight-up donation would do just nicely!


Until next week!


Friday Fun Poll – Nov 14th

The Legend



Hey Junkies!

There are more ways to listen to us online! You can check out our TuneIn Radio broadcast link HERE or search for “Junkiosity” on the TuneIn Radio app for iOS & Android! We’re also on Stitcher Radio! Become a follower of both TuneIn & Stitcher to help us build our audience there so eventually we can get sponsors and bring you a bigger and better pod each week!

We’ve got sponsors! Check out Audible for a free trial membership which includes a free book download! They have thousands of titles from self-help to current best sellers! If you’re not into reading, how about getting healthy? Nature Box will jam your mailbox monthly with all sorts of wholesome and healthy treats & snacks! For only $20 a month you can get a ton of great-tasting food right to your door. Check out the link for a special deal!


We didn’t get to everything today, but we still had some pretty spirited conversations!

Yes, you can watch the greatest WrestleMania III match between Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant in all its glory!

The first of our legends centered around Nike suing other retailers for copycatting their classic Converse Chuck Taylor shoes. Didn’t someone say that imitation is the highest form of flattery?

Legends Led Zeppelin are in the news not only because of their recent album reissues, but because a judge has ruled that a lawsuit can continue stating that their hit, “Stairway to Heaven” is a plagiaristic rip-off of another tune by the semi-obscure band Spirit.

Adam Carolla  has become a legend by taking on a patent troll and kinda sorta winning. Hopefully as more people become loud and bring attention to such frivolous cases these people will stop…

Toys R Us is getting flak for selling “Breaking Bad” toys (well collectible figures) because they have tiny bags of fake meth & bags of money… “Better Call Saul” has been given a second season even though the show hasn’t aired yet… AMC must think this is a winner!

The potato chip legend, Lay’s, has announced the winner for their “Do Us A Flavor” contest and America DOES NOT like cappuccino chips! The winner was Wasabi Ginger with Mango Salsa possibly making the rounds as a 2nd choice. Wasabi Ginger? Really?

Now we know that the legend of the “Atari Landfill” is true, you can own a piece of the legend on eBay right now! If I had an extra $50 I would buy a game for the historical value, this is a myth that was proven to be true 30 years later!

Need a timewaster? Like classic video games? Then check out this archive that boasts arcade games from the 1970’s through the 1990’s that are all playable right in your browser!

We ended up the show talking about collecting and collectables. Here is a documentary someone put together about a guy that spent over $100,000 on Beanie Babies and is now bankrupt because of them…

Dan talked a little about his venture to see Psychostick and has compiled a Spotify playlist of “Dan’s Psychostick Essentials” – be warned that these are NSFW and contain explicit lyrics!!!!


Be sure to check out our Facebook page!


We’re still needing money to upgrade our pod! If you’re not into audiobooks or healthy snacks, a straight-up donation would do just nicely!


Until next week!


Friday Fun Poll – November 7th

Here’s your first “Friday Fun Poll” from the cool cats at Junkiosity – The Pod:



Naturebox Unboxing

Naturebox Unboxing


Hey Junkies!

There are more ways to listen to us online! You can check out our TuneIn Radio broadcast link HERE or search for “Junkiosity” on the TuneIn Radio app for iOS & Android! We’re also on Stitcher Radio! Become a follower of both TuneIn & Stitcher to help us build our audience there so eventually we can get sponsors and bring you a bigger and better pod each week!


It finally arrived! Our first Naturebox! We spend time unboxing it all and sampling the wonderful & interesting flavors contained within it’s cardboard walls and give you our honest opinions!

















Matty talked about the neat Wendy’s training videos, be sure to check out “Grill Skills” part 1 & part 2!

Here is the “Boigah Report” from the website I-Mockery, very funny article!



Be sure to check out our Facebook page!


We’re still needing money to upgrade our pod! If you’re not into audiobooks or healthy snacks, a straight-up donation would do just nicely!


Until next week!