Monthly Archives: January, 2024

60 Minutes in the Hole

60 Minutes in the Hole

80’s fashion fads ran the gamut from parachute pants to neon colors…

The biggest debate in households across the decades, up or down?

Season 3 of “Reacher” is apparently going to be based on book #7 entitled, “Persuader”, with Neagley returning to help him once again…

Don’t get us wrong, the show “Burn Notice” was/is cool with action and comedy but it seems like each season escalated to the next baddie up the chain to find out who “burned” Michael in the spy world. The show is a little like “Reacher” in that Michael does from time to time help those who are helpless…

Make a bouncer movie. Make an MMA movie, why rehash a beloved story/movie that starred Patrick Swayze?

“Stalag 17” is a WWII action/comedy movie that was the basis for the television show, “Hogan’s Heroes”…

Double Fantasy” is a great album of John’s songs. His wife’s? Not so much…

DO NOT search for “Tub Girl” or “2 Girls, One Cup” on the internets. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!

What a lovely tea party…”

Get in, get out…

Sunday Cinema – “DIVX”

All this month we are going to look at failed media formats, some you may recognize and some you might not.

According to this YouTuber, DIVX is the reason Circuit City went under. Basically you had to have a DVD player that could read DIVX discs which connected to your phone line. Discs were cheap (often $4.99) and once activated you could watch the movie for 2 days. If you wished to “unlock” the movie to watch it forever, you had to pay an additional fee for an unlock code.

Retro Hottie Brackets pt 2

Retro Hottie Brackets pt 2

The “police scene” from the movie “Friday After Next”

There’s still talk about a potential 4th “Friday” movie even though John Witherspoon & Zeus Lister, Jr. have both passed away…

Rob Liefeld cameo in “Deadpool”, all the Stan Lee cameos in the Marvel universe…

Reacher” is a great series from Amazon based on the books from Lee Child. There is talk that the 3rd season will be based on the book, “Worth Dying For“…

Paulie Shore is unveiling a short in the hopes of turning it into a biopic, but Richard Simmons isn’t having it…

Howard Stern was super cruel to Richard on his show, here is an episode where Howard makes him cry and leaves the show…

Do you listen to Sirius XM or have you switched to Spotify?

Then we started talking about the hottie bracket. A side note, back in the mid-1990s MattyV saw Porsche Lynn (no relation to Ginger Lynn) at a Deja Vu in Kalamazoo, MI. It was his first time going to a strip club and the guys he went with were relentless in making fun of that fact…

Lastly, Pornhub released their year in review for 2023 and some of the statistics are a little shocking to say the least…

Sunday Cinema – “Minidisc”

All this month we are going to look at failed media formats, some you may recognize and some you might not.

Another attempt for Sony to dominate a media format, the minidisc was released in 1992 as an alternative to CDs & audio cassettes. The small discs could contain up to 80 minutes of digitized audio. Finding popularity in Asia and parts of Europe, the failure to find a foothold in North America definitely hurt the format. Coupled with the limited number of pre-recorded albums available on minidisc, people opted for recordable CDs and later digital players such as iPods for their music storage & playback.

This YouTuber offers a history of the minidisc format and what eventually happened to it.

Sunday Cinema – “CED Videodisc”

All this month we are going to look at failed media formats, some you may recognize and some you might not.

The CED technology (Capacitance Electronic Disc) was originally conceived in the mid-1960s and became widely available in the early 1980s as an alternative to VHS & Betamax. Essentially it is a phonograph record that outputs video and sound through a special stylus. Each side of the record could hold up to 60 minutes of video, so viewing a regular movie you would have to flip the disc over halfway through. The YouTuber Techmoan goes into a little more detail into the format…

They Call it Football

(Meme courtesy anonymous)

They Call it Football

Reacher” on Amazon Prime is an incredible action/comedy/thriller show. Alan Ritchson was on American Idol & played Thad Castle on “Blue Mountain State“…

Grand Armory Brewing released “Wheezin’ the Juice” IPA in honor of Pauly Shore’s stoned character. Some seem to like it, MattyV’s oldest son didn’t really care for it…

Narragansett Beer has been around since 1890 and people who have seen the movie “Jaws” are well-familiar with the brew. Had no idea it was available across the country…

DantheMan is more of a beer drinker these days, MattyV does dabble in hard liquor (usually with a mixer). This guy is entertaining and informative when it comes to whiskeys…

Michigan Football predictions, MattyV thought there was yet another scandal brewing…

The Michigan/Alabama game was crazy

Dave Portnoy had a $1mil bet on the Michigan game…

A hugely controversial call by the refs in the Lions/Cowboys game was absolutely nuts and definitely an unfair call…

One f’ed up movie…

Detroit Pistons 1988/1989 Bad Boys

Bill Lambeer’s Combat Basketball the manualThe gameplay

Dave Chappelle meeting Jim Carrey

Sunday Cinema – “Betamax”

All this month we are going to look at failed media formats, some you may recognize and some you might not.

In 1975, Sony developed a video tape format to rival VHS called “Betamax”. The name meaning how the signals are recorded on the tape (beta) and greatness (maximum). Even though in many ways it was a superior format to VHS, JVC’s commitment to make VHS an “open standard” meaning that anyone could use the technology without licensing helped it win the videotape format war.

This YouTuber goes a little more in-depth into the history of Betamax and its eventual downfall. Interesting to note that Betamax videotapes stopped production in 2016 after 41 years.

Retro Hottie Brackets, pt 1

Retro Hottie Brackets, Pt 1

Kim Cattrall didn’t show boobs, but she did show some bush & a*s. Do an image search yourselves, ya perverts…

Porky’s on the Atari 2600 you can actually play online!

MASH 4077th also for the Atari 2600

Yes, you can play the arcade version of NARC online…

SpyHunter is available for download