“Scary” Cinema – “Microwave Massacre”


All this month we are going to share some truly cheesy “scary” movies and posting them on Saturdays so you can enjoy them on a cold, dark spooky evening!

It wasn’t until the early 1980’s that microwave ovens really became a household phenomenon. There were a lot of cautions back then like making sure to keep a mug of water in the microwave in case it suddenly turns on, don’t start it with the door open (early models didn’t have a safety switch), and the old wives tale of the woman who nuked her poodle trying to dry its hair quickly.

This “gem” came out around 1983 to play on the fear of microwaves. Donald hated his wife’s cooking. She wasn’t a bad cook, always trying new gourmet recipes. Donald was a simple man and needed simple, easy grub. He eventually killed her in his rage and tried a little “wife du jour” in the microwave, which made him crave human flesh. As fucked up as this premise is, it’s even more fucked up to know that the actor playing Donald (Jackie Vernon) is also the voice of Frosty the Snowman in all of the cartoon incarnations of the 1970’s/1980’s.

A true fan of horror put this out online for all to enjoy!


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Until next week Junkies


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